and the packing begins

by - July 20, 2015

With just 89 days to go until I head north to start the rest of my life with my boyfriend, the countdown is most definitely on. In just 13 short weeks I'll say goodbye to my little Harbourside apartment and hello my first Queensland summer!

I went and picked up some boxes yesterday and plan to start loading them up this week. To tell you the truth, the task seems quite overwhelming. I only live in a one bedroom apartment but I seem to have accumulated quite a bit of "stuff".

The fact I'm moving so far is making me really think about what I need to take, what I can give away or sell and what I should trash. I also need to consider what my boyfriend already has in the way of furniture and things like plates and cutlery, linen and other home accessories.

I want our new home to be a reflection of both of us - I don't want my stuff just "filling in the gaps" with stuff he doesn't have but I'm also mindful that we don't want to end up with two whole houses worth of furniture. Seeing as I have to cart everything up the Pacific Highway, it's probably the more sensible option to keep his stuff when double ups occur.

To make things a little easier for myself I've done a little bit of research about what to cull and what to keep when moving in with your partner.

Cull: Non essential books

I have two bookshelves full to bursting with all kinds of books - fiction, reference, coffee table and cook books. I would love to take them all with me but I know that's probably not going to happen. They weigh a ton and really, how often do I look at them? Designer James Andrew tells Elle Decor: "Ask yourself: Do I refer to it often? Does it continue to inspire me? Do I truly love it? Is it a collectable?," he says. "If any of those are a yes, it's a keeper. Otherwise, this is your opportunity to sift through your collection and toss the novels that were just eh, or the cookbook you've never used, or the coffee table book that no longer feels relevant."

Keep: Heirlooms

I have a beautiful cabinet from the early 1900s that once belonged to my mother's grandfather that will definitely be coming with me. At the moment it's filled with a mix of photos, alcohol and some pieces I inherited from my Nana which are also on the "must move" list. Designer Kelly Wearstler agrees. "You should keep vintage china or glassware that was given to you by your parents or grandparents," she tells Elle Decor. "It's all about curating the table and mixing old spirit with new spirit."

Cull: Furniture from Ikea

Don't get me wrong, there is NOTHING wrong with Ikea but the fact is, the cost of moving my TV cabinet, desk, book case and coffee table is probably more than leaving them behind and picking up new stuff when I get up there.

Keep: Collections

I don't really collect anything specific but I do have a bit of a thing for pieces picked up on my travels - a vase bought in Bali; a photo of my mum, sister and I in Disneyland, and; a set of laser-cut prints picked up at a Brooklyn flea market. These are all definitely coming with me! "If you care about someone, you have to find a way to be open to their 'thing,'" says James. "Anything that brings you or your partner that much joy deserves to stay, so be considerate and thoughtful." Truly no place to display it? Choose a few pieces to be out in the open and put the rest in an agreed-upon place.

Cull: Second rate cookware

Who really has room two sets of pots and pans? "Say one of you has a set of All-Clad pots and pans, and the other has a pile from the hardware store...that's the one that needs to go," says James.

Let the packing begin!

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