On track... mostly

by - January 06, 2023

Other than my goal of losing 20kg (it's day 6 and so far I'm 0.8kg down so not an entirely bad start), in 2023 I'm also aiming to be more mindful of exactly what's in my control and what isn't.

Over the holidays I read Reasons Not To Worry by Brigid Delaney which explores the philosophy of stoicism and how this ancient knowledge can be adapted for modern everyday life.

Some of the advice presented in the book might take me a little more practice to implement (especially negative visualisation where you imagine terrible things happening so you're better prepared if they do eventuate), but the overarching theme of not worrying about anything that is out of your control is something that I've really been trying to take with me into the new year.

Basically, the Stoics believed there were only three things that are truly in our control:
  • Our character
  • Our actions and reactions
  • How we treat others
Everything else, they say, is out of our control and therefore not worth worrying about. Easy enough to say in theory but we all know, in the real world, this concept can be a little more difficult to remember.

As we're still early on in the year I haven't really had the opportunity to put this new mindset to the test but I'm sure as things slowly get back to a more normal pace, there will be plenty of chances! 

The other big takeaway from the book for me was the four virtues the Stoics saw as particularly desirable. They are: 
  • Wisdom - good sense, good calculation, quick-wittedness, discretion, and resourcefulness
  • Justice - piety, honesty, equity, and fair dealing
  • Courage - endurance, confidence, high-mindedness, cheerfulness, and industriousness
  • Temperance - good discipline, seemliness, modesty, and self-control
These virtues are what make up our character (number one on the list of things we can control) and I can safely say the last one, in particular, has especially been tested as I embark on my new year's weight loss journey.

More updates on that coming soon!

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